Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Week One Post

I have never blogged before, but I am very excited about starting one. I've always kept a journal and I really enjoy writing, but I think learning how to blog and gaining some experience in doing so will be very helpful with my future students. The students I will be teaching will be used to technology and most of them will probably be more accustomed to blogging than to journaling. I really enjoyed the activity we did today in class with the name article; after reading the article I was able to think more clearly about my own name and really enjoyed writing down some of my thoughts. I think it's important to start reading like a writer and writing like a reader. I wrote my name article in a way that would be interesting to readers, I think this is definitely a skill students need to learn at a young age. I am really looking forward to this semester and all the things we will be learning in this class, but most of all I am glad we are being "required" to write weekly!  A little bit of "me time" is always nice!! =)

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