Sunday, November 28, 2010

Week Twelve Post

This is my final blog, well at least my final one for the class. I really plan on continuing my blogging, this was my first blog and I've actually enjoyed doing it. I think my having us blog about our experiences and readings we are really forced to take some time and step back and evaluate what we are learning. In so many classes we sit and are lectured to and the information goes in one ear and out the other, throughout this class, my journaling and blogging I am able to go back and remember specific things I learned and carry those with me in the future. It's hard learning so much at one time because when we all have our own classrooms over a year from now we will be dying to try and remember something from these classes. I always enjoy knowing that I will have something to go back and look at to recall things I learned. I have throughly enjoyed this class and truly believe the articles and lectures will all come in handy when I someday have my own class. Thank you Linda for being such an amazing teacher!

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited that you might continue blogging. Reflecting during all this learning time is so important.
